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I'm a story teller (and sometimes, a story maker). I tell short stories about how picturesque Nassau is and how deliciously crunchy Jack in the Box chicken strips are. I tell longer stories about how the native people of Namibia connect you to the stark landscape and how grouchy urban beekeepers make honey that tastes like the trees of New York City. I tell these stories in collaboration with (but not limited to) fantastic producers, DPs, and editors (additional shout-out to editors).
I've been in production for a decade and good people have helped me get everywhere. I helped a classmate (see: did his homework) in my college stage management course, and when he started a live comedy variety show - I came on as stage manager. My boss for a three month gig as a logger (typing, not lumber) offered me a full time job as a coordinator without interviewing anyone else. When I was looking to move to NYC, an AC I worked on one shoot with set me up with her friend at Bustle, who hired me there. Then after I left Bustle, my old boss connected me with a friend at Conde Nast who hired me 48 hours later.
So maybe you're my newest connection, and we can make the next story together.